Sunday, May 1, 2011


Well, I haven't had a chance to update recently. We've had so much rain or I've been working or I've been cleaning. Yesterday was a nice day though and we went to King's Island for awhile. It was too crowded and we were all grumpy by the time we left at 5:30, but we had a good time anyway. We grilled out (pork chops, corn, green beans/potatoes/carrots, tossed salad, and brownies) when we got home. So yesterday was a definitive family fun time. But back to the grind today, I think!

I now have a handle on the kids' rooms totally and am able to just maintain them, as I am with the kitchen and bathroom. I want to get the rest of the toy room finished (just have to label the boxes) and get going on the living room. It has honestly turned into a disaster area recently. After we get the living room under control this week, we are going to work on the master bedroom. That is the room that frightens me. In true SHE fashion, I have put off getting my room into any sort of organized manner because I thought that the kids pretty much came first. I think we still have boxes in the corner to unpack and we've been here for almost 4 years now. Scary! That room could be on the show 'Hoarders' without so much as looking back. Yes, it's that bad. So I'm a little afraid of that room.

After we get done with the upstairs, it will be on to the basement. I have every intention of flinging 27 BOXES of crap down there. Probably about once a day, honestly. I told my DH that we are really going to be going through the stuff and if we honestly wanted to keep it, we needed to: 1) find a place for it upstairs, 2) get it out more than once every 4 years when we move, or 3) be willing to place it in a large plastic tub. Our basement leaks and I figure that if we really want to protect these things, we ought to be willing to invest in their storage. Plus, I think that we'll be able to move much easier one day and everything will be better organized and cataloged in each box. So I'm now on the lookout for sales for the large plastic storage tubs. If you see a good deal on them anywhere, let me know!!!!

Well, today it's back to the weekly cleaning chores then laundry. Hopefully I can get the vacuum cleaner run throughout the house today. It really needs it!